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 Peach Puddin

 HH Never Forget x Pip Pip Shooting Star 

10/30/20 dob . This 50/50 grand daughter just turned two in October 2022. She is smooth as silk and demonstrating lovely lateral horn. This female was selected on the basis of her quality, color, smooth trim conformation and excellent lateral horn. She measured 70.37 ttt on 4/22/23  age two. Preg positive to Trumpter. Will be exposed to RJF Lock and Load  in 2023.

Owned by the Elite Foundation Female Partnership

HL Chelsea Ann

CV Cowboy Casanova​ x 3/3 El Dream Girl

3/13/20 dob. What can you say about this 4  year old ? We are pleased with her early horn development , full figure and gentle nature. She measured 80.675 ttt March 6 , age two and 84 ttt September  15 2023.   Exposed to HI5 Ol Son for 2024 calf. 

Owned by  Elite Foundation Female Partnership

HL Chelsea Ann august 12 2024.png

 Peach Puddin

 HH Never Forget x Pip Pip Shooting Star 

10/30/20 dob . This 50/50 grand daughter just turned two in October 2022. She is smooth as silk and demonstrating lovely lateral horn. This female was selected on the basis of her quality, color, smooth trim conformation and excellent lateral horn. She measured 70.37 ttt on 4/22/23  age two. Preg positive to Trumpter. Will be exposed to RJF Lock and Load  in 2023.

Owned by the Elite Foundation Female Partnership

Peach Puddin

 HH Never Forget x Pip Pip Shooting Star 

 This 50/50 grand daughter  turned two in October 30 2020 dob. She is smooth as silk and demonstrating lovely lateral horn.  She measured 81 ttt 6/14/24.  Exposed to Banker the stellar son of Texaco. 

Owned by Elite Foundation Female Partnership

peach puddin DECEMBER 24 2024 (2).jpg

LTL June Bug 525

Tuff it Out x DH Jitterbug

 Born 5/15/21 ,  Measured 63.50 ttt 11/19/23,  Country Song heifer  August 2024.   

Owned  Elite Female Foundation Partnership

june bug and calf aug 28 2024! new (1).jpg

LTL Morning Brandy 703

Tuff It Out x Sunhaven Morning Glory

This lovely heifer born 6/27/21 demonstrates beautiful conformation and lovely horn that is twisting. She has a beautiful udder and raised a brindle bull, her first  and maintained excellent condition. Shes doing a great job and we are happy to have her join the herd from the Millenium Sale,


Elite Foundation Female Partnership

Lovin Forget

HH Never Forget  x  Lovin Too Much

6/18/21 dob this yearling has all the qualities and assets of a futurity female. Color , quality,  fabulous horn set.  She measured  61.625  August 23 , 2023  Exposed to RJF Lock & Load 2o23.

Owned  Elite Female Foundation Partnership

lovin forget nov 3 2023 (2).jpg

11 Rebel Star

Rebel HR x Halcyon Star 








Born 9/4/21  this brindle faced spotted daughter of Rebel HR may just be one of his finest. We are excited to see if she joins the ranks of his greats. Shes sweet calm and has an excellent start to her horn. Shes got great depth and conformation as well. She is stellar in every way. Was 65 ttt approx 4/22/24 at 2.5 years old. Shell be three in September. Shes a shining star. photo 8/10/24


                  Owned by Sky Ranch Texas Longhorns

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 Peach Puddin

 HH Never Forget x Pip Pip Shooting Star 

10/30/20 dob . This 50/50 grand daughter just turned two in October 2022. She is smooth as silk and demonstrating lovely lateral horn. This female was selected on the basis of her quality, color, smooth trim conformation and excellent lateral horn. She measured 70.37 ttt on 4/22/23  age two. Preg positive to Trumpter. Will be exposed to RJF Lock and Load  in 2023.

Owned by the Elite Foundation Female Partnership

  DBL-K  Trick Me Twice

   Done Got Double Lucky x DBL-One Trick Pony





We  are thrilled to acquire this beautiful heifer born 4/7/22. Her sire is the wildly colored son of Delta Lucky Ace and the 105 ttt  Dun Got Lucky Dice . Her maternal side goes back to Pricey Pony a Capone daughter . Her grand sire maternal side is the beautiful Pioneer bull. She has a tremendous pedigree for correct conformation, extreme color and big horn genetics. She has it all. She tied for first out of 35 in a elite futurity. She is the whole package. She is being exposed to the gorgeous colorful and smooth Payline BCB , a 50/50 son out of HL Royal Rose a Royal Reputation daughter.  Welcome to the herd !


    Owned Elite Female Foundation Partnership

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 Quick Whitted

                                Texaco  x  Think Fast


This heifer is very special . We bred her sire Texaco.  Her dam is an embryo daughter of Reckon So (by Cowboy Tuff Chex) x Dragon Lady. 

  We love this female and look forward to what she brings to the table at Sky Ranch.  She has huge ttt is a superstar. 77.25 ttt at 31

  months.Dob 3/12/22. 


         Owned Elite  Female Foundation Partnership


Quick Whitted DEC 15 2024 (1).jpg

Holly Berry

Deep State x Holly Go Lightly

Holly just had her first calf Nahla , a lovely correct heifer by Dunn Steppin Up ( Wheels Up x Two Stepping Cowgirl). Her sire Deep State is by Reckon So x Dragon Lady and goes back to Tempter and MU Shadow Jubilee so she has twist color and a terrific pedigree.  Her heifer calf is covered in spots that are trying to come through. Holly did a great job with her first calf


     Owned by Hawke/ Murry

holly berry aug 16 2024 w calf.png

Guns & Roses

      RJF Lock & Load x BR Cracklin Rose


This heifer is without doubt an outstanding daughter of our three year old BR Crackerjack daughter. This is BR Cracklin Rose's  first calf. This youngster has excellent frame with correct conformation and a good start to lateral horn. She is trim with a strong topline and excellent length. This heifer is top notch. Born 3/24/23. Photo 15 months



        Owned  Elite Foundation Female Partnership



guns & Roses June 25  at15 months (1).jpg

LBR Betty Boo

HL pony Up x LBR Betty White

This absolutely beautiful heifer turned one on July 5 2024. Her horns are cranked bad hard! Her color is to die for as is her excellent trim conformation. Just wait for this traffic stopping HL Pony Up daughter to roll over. 

It will be worth the wait. Thank you Greg Kott of Laid Back Ranch for offering this exquisite female. Color and conformation build the foundation for excellence. 

Her sire is the son of the excellent 7D Minnie Oreo who also is the dam of HL Jango and LBR Cherry Cheesecake. Her young dam is a Hubbells 20 Gauge daughter than brings in Concealed Weapon, Hubbells Rio Glory and Cowboy Catchit Chex. 

Owned by Sky Ranch Texas Longhorns

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                  Brazos Valentine

Brazos Rose Ranger  x  Brazos Jamoca  557

Lovely heifer born 2/14/23 ; daughter of the gorgeous brindle Brazos Rose Ranger out of a PCC Rim Rock daughter. She is feminine and has the potential to brindle. She is double bred WS Jamakizm. 


     Owned Elite Foundation Female Partnership


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GF Stillwater  x GF Adelita

This heifer was sold to my partner and myself at side at the TLBAA showcase.  Later she was sold to showcase the ELITE FOUNDATION quality but quickly purchased back and now she is owned by Sky Ranch Longhorns . Thank you to Randy Murry for allowing me  ownership of this female Ive loved . She is my little treasure and is the daughter of Elites GF Adelita a 86 ttt three year old we own with New Age. Welcome back. DOB 6/29/23. Photo August 17 2024.


Owned by Sky Ranch Longhorns

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Baby Spice

HH Never Forget x Cinnamon Spice

Without doubt this futurity quality female  is one of our best ever . She came at side when we purchased her dam Cinnamon Spice at the Fiesta Sale. Andrea Siller and I are excited to introduce her to the futurity ring this year. We are excited about her.  Date of birth 11/9/23. Photo 7/29/24


       Girls on Fire Partnership of Cathy Hawke/Andrea   Siller​


 Never Say Never

HH Never Forget x Sweet Cabernet

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